Be an artist and an architect of your own house,
your temple, your body, and your mind.
- Dr. Randolph Stone, Founder of Polarity Therapy

At EVOLVE WITH ME LLC, we believe that health encompasses not just the absence of illness, but overall well-being on physical, mental, and social levels. Health can also be seen as self-actualization, helping us reach our full potential. Our services, including Yoga, Meditation, Craniosacral, and Polarity Therapy, aim to address imbalances and tension in the body, restoring energy flow and physical movement. By identifying and clearing out patterns that no longer serve you, we create space for a healthier life. Optimal health can inspire vitality, trust, purpose, joy, expression, and insight.
The human body naturally seeks equilibrium and balance. EVOLVE WITH ME LLC was established to help you achieve this potential gradually. Embark on your journey with a fresh perspective and increased consciousness.
"I have a very chaotic and busy mind and often find I have trouble quieting it. I did not know what to expect my first time and was surprised to see how quickly Jennifer read my body and energy. She was able to balance my energies and bring me to a place of mental calmness that I don't often experience in my day to day life and it was truly liberating!! I was so relaxed and calm afterward, even felt my eyebrows relaxed and the furrows gone! I have had several sessions since and each is its own wonderful experience. She truly has a gift!!!" - A.
"Very competent, brings wisdom from many traditions… I have taken many of Jennifer's classes and she is well rounded and connected as she teaches. She talks us through poses well and makes relationships between poses and their benefits and how they might relate to life spiritually. I leave class feeling very good in body and spirit."
- Patricia
"I have worked with Jennifer for several sessions and I am truly amazed at the effect Polarity therapy has on your body each time you experience it. The change it promotes in the body is remarkable. t helped to eliminate pain, promoted a sense of balance, and "lightness" in my body. One can actually feel the process and the changes it is creating in the body as the energy moves through. Jenn has healing hands and is truly gifted. There is a feeling of relaxation, clarity of mind, and your body is so energized after the session. It's a therapy worth trying and the feeling in your body afterwards is indescribable! " - R.
​​"My family tells me my ailments are all in head due to anxiety and stress. A friend recommended I should move the restless energy out of my body. The universe that guided me to the table for my Craniosacral Session. I was a bit skeptical not truly understanding what energy work is supposed to do, however as I let go and relaxed on the table a feeling of serenity came over me and I was able to just be still. The next morning upon waking up, I experienced a rejuvenated feeling throughout my body. I look forward to my next session with Jennifer." - P.